Rob with his cat, Polly, on his shoulder. This was her favorite spot to perch for Rob's attention and to keep an eye on the world.

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I just updated my theme for the first time in many years! I hope you like the new look and feel. If you notice any issues, please let me know. Thanks for visiting!
- Rob
About Me:

I am a programmer, writer, and avid PC gamer with a passion for technology and storytelling. My background in programming allows me to bring a unique perspective to my writing, and I enjoy sharing my knowledge and experiences with others through my blog. I look forward to connecting with like-minded individuals and exploring the latest developments in the tech world.

Sóc un programador, escriptor i jugador apassionat de PC amb una passió per la tecnologia i la narrativa. La meva formació en programació em permet tenir una perspectiva única en la meva escriptura, i m'agrada compartir els meus coneixements i les meves experiències amb altres a través del meu blog. Espero connectar amb persones amb interessos similars i explorar les darreres novetats en el món de la tecnologia.

BreakBlocks: A Journey of Learning and Adaptation

Join me on a journey as I share the challenges and successes of scaling a Minecraft server list from 0 to 400,000+ nodes. Learn from my experiences with data management, hosting, and more.

Posted by Robert Whitney

Happy New Year 2024!

As 2023 comes to a close I do some self reflection and look forward to 2024.

Posted by Robert Whitney

Propaganda and Social Media: The Spread of Misinformation

How propaganda is used on social media to spread misinformation and manipulate public opinion. A deep dive into how propaganda disrupts society and how we can combat it.

Posted by Robert Whitney

It's okay to not be perfect: A programmer's journey to acceptance

Sharing my personal journey as a programmer struggling with perfectionism and OCD. Learn how I use routine, structure, and self-compassion to overcome it.

Posted by Robert Whitney

Hello again world!

A description of recent coding activities and changes to my website.

Posted by Robert Whitney

A Modern Guide to hardening Linux

A brief introduction to hardening Linux in 2020.

Posted by Robert Whitney

Gentoo Quick Install Guide

A step by step guide on how to install Gentoo Linux from the minimal installation ISO

Posted by Robert Whitney

Hello world, my name is Rob

My name is Rob and I'll be your host this fine evening at

Posted by Robert Whitney