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Robert Whitney

I am a programmer, writer, and avid PC gamer with a passion for technology and storytelling. My background in programming allows me to bring a unique perspective to my writing, and I enjoy sharing my knowledge and experiences with others through my blog. I look forward to connecting with like-minded individuals and exploring the latest developments in the tech world.

Sóc un programador, escriptor i jugador apassionat de PC amb una passió per la tecnologia i la narrativa. La meva formació en programació em permet tenir una perspectiva única en la meva escriptura, i m'agrada compartir els meus coneixements i les meves experiències amb altres a través del meu blog. Espero connectar amb persones amb interessos similars i explorar les darreres novetats en el món de la tecnologia.

BreakBlocks: A Journey of Learning and Adaptation

Join me on a journey as I share the challenges and successes of scaling a Minecraft server list from 0 to 400,000+ nodes. Learn from my experiences with data management, hosting, and more.


Happy New Year 2024!

As 2023 comes to a close I do some self reflection and look forward to 2024.


Propaganda and Social Media: The Spread of Misinformation

How propaganda is used on social media to spread misinformation and manipulate public opinion. A deep dive into how propaganda disrupts society and how we can combat it.


It's okay to not be perfect: A programmer's journey to acceptance

Sharing my personal journey as a programmer struggling with perfectionism and OCD. Learn how I use routine, structure, and self-compassion to overcome it.


Hello again world!

A description of recent coding activities and changes to my website.
