This post was written 2019-01-28 08:30:00 -0800 by Robert Whitney and has been viewed an unknown number of times since unknown time. This post was last viewed an unknown length of time ago.
Now that my web design is (mostly) out of the way, I can properly introduce myself!
Hello, my name is Rob. My home page says a lot about me, but I'll go into more detail here.
I've been programming for 13 years and do it not only as a hobby but also a profession. My skills include, but are not limited to: PHP, NodeJS, Perl, C#, and some C++. I mostly program web stuff however.
In 2011-2013 I did some office work. About a year was spent in telemarketing, but I got out of that to work in IT.
In 2014 I worked for a nuclear power plant, though I can't say any specifics regarding my time there, that was a very interesting experience.
Since late 2015 I've been, among other things, programming and helping design & maintain infrastructure for which is owned by TheEpTic (you should follow him :P).
If you don't know what is, go check it out! It's a web based game where you play as a "cell" that eats other players which are also other cells.
I can't begin to describe how amazing the journey has been with Gota, and I can't wait to see where the future takes it.
I don't really get out and do as much as I used to as far as socializing. But I do enjoy the company of my friends.
Much of my time socializing is spent rambling at kids online how storing a 100MB file used to be a trivial decision, or how downloading that would take ages on my dial-up at their age.
My music tastes are rather mixed. I like a lot of different music, even rap, though I dislike most rap music.
My favorite band is The Beatles, I haven't heard a song by them that I've really disliked, though I could say the same about Sublime :).
My previous next door neighbor was Rob from Pistol Day Parade. His band would practice whenever, but not a single noise complaint here.
Their song, Rock Star's Girlfriend, was all over the radio back then. If you haven't already, you should check them out. Here's one of their songs I could find on soundcloud:
I hope that you guys enjoy our little adventure here, see you next time!
I am a programmer, writer, and avid PC gamer with a passion for technology and storytelling. My background in programming allows me to bring a unique perspective to my writing, and I enjoy sharing my knowledge and experiences with others through my blog. I look forward to connecting with like-minded individuals and exploring the latest developments in the tech world.
Sóc un programador, escriptor i jugador apassionat de PC amb una passió per la tecnologia i la narrativa. La meva formació en programació em permet tenir una perspectiva única en la meva escriptura, i m'agrada compartir els meus coneixements i les meves experiències amb altres a través del meu blog. Espero connectar amb persones amb interessos similars i explorar les darreres novetats en el món de la tecnologia.